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开云集团(Kering)作为全球知名的奢侈品巨头,旗下拥有Gucci、Saint Laurent、Balenciaga等众多知名品牌 开云。然而,近期的市场表现和战略调整引发了投资者的广泛关注。 股价走势与分析师评级 截至2024年11月,开云集团的股价经历了显著下跌,交易价格接近52周低点,全年价格总回报下降46.8%。多家知名投行对其股票评级进行了下调: Jefferies:将目标价从230欧元下调至220欧元,维持“持有”评级,原因是奢侈品需求环境面临挑战,特别是中国市场的疲软。 citeturn0search2 UBS:将评级从“买入”下调至“中性”,下调了每股收益预测,主要由于Gucci新战略实施所需的时间和成本,以及奢侈品市场趋势放缓对品牌的影响。 citeturn0search0 TD Cowen:将目标价从260欧元下调至230欧元,维持“持有”评级,表达了对Gucci复苏速度和难度的担忧,特别是在亚洲经济放缓的背景下。 citeturn0search4 战略调整与品牌转型 面对市场挑战,开云集团正在积极推进旗下品牌的转型: Gucci:自2024年5月起,Stefano Cantino担任副首席执行官,致力于注入新设计元素和精简分销渠道,以重振品牌活力。 citeturn0search6 Saint…
When you log into Fastwin Casino, you’re greeted with a vast array of exciting games, from thrilling slots…
Online gaming and betting enthusiasts are always on the lookout for reliable and feature-rich platforms that offer seamless…
The thrill of winning the lottery has captivated people for generations. Some rely on random picks, while others…
Online gaming has transformed dramatically over the years, and one term that has gained popularity in this space…
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Baccarat is one of the most exciting and elegant casino games, enjoyed by both casual players and high…
The online betting landscape has been witnessing significant transformations, with various platforms vying for dominance. Among these, J88…